#21 Fish Eggs
Common Name: Fish eggs
General information
- Colour: orange
- Colour: orange
- There are a lot of them clumped up together
- Found underneath a rock near the water
- The amount of time fish eggs take to hatch can be anywhere between 3 days and 2 weeks
- Fish will lays hundreds or thousands of eggs at a time due to predation and that it will give them a higher chance of passing their genes to the next generation
- Many of the eggs that are laid do not survive as the parents are not there to protect them
- Fish eggs are generally 1-2 mm in size
- Fish that stay and protect their young will lay fewer eggs than those that do not protect them because of the lower death rate
- Fish will lays hundreds or thousands of eggs at a time due to predation and that it will give them a higher chance of passing their genes to the next generation
- Many of the eggs that are laid do not survive as the parents are not there to protect them
- Fish eggs are generally 1-2 mm in size
- Fish that stay and protect their young will lay fewer eggs than those that do not protect them because of the lower death rate
What is the fish that produced it?