Friday 30 May 2014

#9 Barnacles

#9 Barnacles (Cirripede)

Common Name: Barnacles

- White/grey
- The size of a thimble
- They have an exoskeleton with bilateral symmetry
- Barnacles are a kind of crustacean and are known as a nuisance to most because of the way they attach themselves to hard surfaces and animals
- Barnacles are suspension feeders, sweeping small food into their mouth with their curve feet
- They are covered with hard calcareous plates, which they shut firmly when the tide goes out

- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Subphylum: Crustacea
- Class: Maxillopoda
- Order: Sessilia
- Family: Balanidae
- Genus: Balanus
- Species: B. Balanus

- Barnacles reproduce sexually, and produce little Nauplius larvae which disperse in the plankton. They change into Cypris and attach to surfaces to form new barnacles.
- Barnacles are of economical consequence because they often attach to man made structures, sometimes destroying it.
- Some barnacles are edible and goose barnacles are considered a delicacy in Spain and Portugal

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